
Coily Hair Care

A Nourished Crown is a Noble Crown


dry hair

Natural Coily Hair? Itchy Scalp? Try These Hair Tips.

One of the worst things that can happen to a great hair day is an itchy scalp. That cute defined curly/coily hairstyle could end up being a frizzy, matted mess in a few hours if your fingers are constantly rearranging... Continue Reading →

Nourish Your Coils/Curls with a Hot Oil Treatment

"The fact that the oil is warm creates a very soothing feeling, increases the simulations flow, and softens the hair follicles and hair shafts for easy oil infusion, thus creating a more thoroughly moisturized and hydrated feel."

Hydrated Hair- All Week Long!

"after this process I simply let me air dry and enjoyed the results ALL WEEK LONG."

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